Sister Brimstone

The fire in me is born of righteous indignation. I don’t care what holiness you claim or what heathen name you call me. I know what I am, and I stand against those who would abuse.

When They Come

When they found him, he was incoherent. “They come in the night,” he said. Evelyn knelt beside him. She scanned his face. His eyes wandering to the floor as he muttered, “That’s when they come.”

Too Much

She’s like a perfect storm building on the horizon. You can smell the rain. You think to yourself, “It’ll be nice to fall asleep to the sound of rain tonight.” Then the tornado sirens go off.

Tender Embrace

This week, another redo. I promise to bring you something fresh next week. But first, I’d like to revisit one of my favorite short stories. It’s simple and quick, with a nice little reveal at the end. I like the […]

Weather Girl, Part Two

I’m doing something risky this week. I’m openly mocking last week’s story … to drive the point home. I’ve never toyed with this particular trick before. Turning one of my characters on the narrator. On myself, I guess. But it […]

Weather Girl, Part One

This story is really just an exploratory mission. I’m working through an idea for a character, and this is an experiment. The concept is odd, so I’m seeing what it will be like to flesh it out. As a result, […]

Back in Black

Per Nimue’s request, a Black Friday story. I’d like to think this story is really clever, but—back off Seven—the truth is it’s probably not as slick as I want it to be. Still, it was fun to write, and I […]

All the Way Down

This week, I’m taking a break from The Dark Calling, my current, near-novel-length series, for two reasons: 1. I’m on my way out of town, even as this is being published. Nimue and I are headed to Fredericksburg, TX for their […]

Brother’s Keeper

NaNoWriMo is in full swing and I’m happy to announce that I’ve written 36,456 words so far. At my current pace, I’ll easily finish on time, but my book is almost certainly going to exceed the 50,000 word minimum goal by […]