The Hill Hits Back

A couple of days ago I wrote about my high school cross country coach’s advice on running hills. It was a basic metaphor. Given how many life lessons there are from running, maybe even one you’ve heard before. In a […]

Attack the Hill

I ran cross country in high school. My reasons were unconventional. I had to play a sport. School policy. I had to work a part-time job. Monetary necessity. The only fall coach who was cool with me missing practice twice […]

The Roller Coaster

When I was a kid I was fascinated by roller coasters. Fascinated but terrified. I remember my first. I was around 10. I stood in line, visibly nervous. There was a girl in line in front of me. A teenager, […]

Super Powers

I was in a crazy good mood today. Downright chipper. There was a time when I would have analyzed that to death. You know, what clicked today that doesn’t click on other days?! I’m so over that shit. Instead, I’d […]

Expect Good Things

I’m looking for a job. I hate looking for jobs. Partly it’s the fact that is a chore. I mean, you’d think there would be some kind of consistency from application to application, but nope. I find myself typing out […]

Set Up

Yesterday my AC was out. A tech showed up at the house late in the afternoon. He was a nice enough guy, only too happy to get things back up and running in a jiffy. (Thank God. It was hot.) […]

Oh, Sweet Rebellion

I’m done. D-U-N, done. I’ve lived too much of my life in the shadows. Hiding. Scared. Afraid, even to be myself. And I know what you’re thinking. Don’t we all do that? The short answer is, OMFG, yes. The longer […]